I love doing stand up comedy

The feeling of other souls laughing and finding humor in ideas and thoughts that have been tumbling around in my head is undeniably one of the best feelings in the world.  This is probably such a great feeling because when I was a child I was nicknamed the joke killing king.  This was quite the stab at my heart because making people laugh is one of my dreams and aspirations.  I did stand up comedy again tonight and the laughter was never short and it was never running low on gas.  It is also a great feeling when other comics come up to me at the end of the night and say “great stuff tonight man keep it coming” because these people have been doing this way longer than me.  And for them to actually take the time out of what they were talking about with their friends and remember my face and my act makes me feel so good!  I want to see how far I can take this and just keep on making people laugh because it actually helps me forget all of this chaos that we call growing up.  I’m going to work on my craft and make it so that I know exactly what my strong points are and what the weak ones are so that I can make sure that people are laughing every ten to twenty seconds.  Gotta love it 🙂

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